APC Board of Directors 2023-24
*Chair - Logan Sharpe - Fisher Wealth Management
*Vice Chair– Allen Johnson-Labcorp
*Secretary - Susana Goldman - Alamance County Libraries
*Past Board Chair - Nikki Ratliff - Burlington Housing Authority
*At Large, David Ealy - Hawfields Presbyterian Church
Dr. Robin Finberg - Alamance-Burlington School System
Heidi Hollingsworth - Elon University
Craig Turner - County Commissioner
Dan Ingle - ABSS School Board Member
Detra Betts - Family Abuse Services of Alamance County
Brandi Covington - Regional Consolidated Services
Candice Gobble - Alamance County Department of Social Service
Reagan Gural - Alamance County Chamber of Commerce
Kim Hargrave - Bright Starz Learning Center
Patricia Jones - Patty Cakes Child Care Center
*Executive Committee Members
Board Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at noon in the Cotton Conference Room at the Alamance Partnership for Children. These meetings are open to the public. Should you have an interest in attending, please contact the Partnership at 336.513.0063.