NC Pre-Kindergarten in Alamance County What is NC Pre-Kindergarten (NC Pre-K)?
NC Pre-Kindergarten is a fun and exciting learning opportunity for children. They develop many skills which make the transition to kindergarten easier. NC Pre-Kindergarten classrooms in our community operate at least six hours a day Monday through Friday from late August-June. NC Pre-kindergarten classes are located in the Alamance Burlington School System, Head Start, and private child care centers. The program is free to qualifying families, except for minimal lunch fees when families do not qualify for free/reduced priced meals. Funding for Pre-Kindergarten classes comes from Title I, Head Start, NC Pre-K, and Exceptional Children. Each funding source has different eligibility criteria. By submitting an application you will be considered for all possible placements. Should I apply? If one or more of the following guidelines is true for you or your child, you may qualify for NC Pre-Kindergarten services: Child must turn four years of age on or before August 31, 2024, to be considered for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year;
Please contact: Di'Quasia Champ [email protected] or Ana Vazquez [email protected] Click here for a list of the current NC Pre K sites.
All of these sites, whether public or private, follow the same guidelines and are at the same level of quality PreK. |
NC Pre-K Committee Meeting Schedule