Concerned about a child's development in your care?
YOU can make a early intervention referral!
For Birth up to age 3 contact the Children's Developmental Services Association (Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham Counties)
Debbi Kennerson, Director
[email protected]
122 N. Elm Street, Suite 400
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone: 743-902-5400
Fax: 743-902-5404
Determining Eligibility- Only the CDSA determines if a child is eligible. CDSAs use various methods and procedures to make this decision. Examples include standardized measures of child health and development; interviews and discussions with families; and observations of the child in home or play settings. The CDSA will work to link families with appropriate local resources if a child is found ineligible.
Referrals- The following can refer children to the CDSA Infant-Toddler Program (ITP):
For Children age 3-5 years contact Alamance-Burlington School System Exceptional Children Division
336-570-6188 Ext: 20501 or 20502. Main office number 336-438-4000 Ext: 20079
Provides services for children from 3-5 years who have identified special needs and meet state guidelines. Services include: screenings, evaluations, speech and other therapies "The goal of the Alamance-Burlington Schools Exceptional Children's Division is to educate children with exceptionalities and foster their independence, enabling them to become contributing and productive citizens. Our Division provides specially designed instruction to children with a broad spectrum of abilities and disabilities, striving to promote their cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and vocational development."
For issues pertaining to parents or family conditions contact Case Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC)
For Birth up to age 3 contact the Children's Developmental Services Association (Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham Counties)
Debbi Kennerson, Director
[email protected]
122 N. Elm Street, Suite 400
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone: 743-902-5400
Fax: 743-902-5404
Determining Eligibility- Only the CDSA determines if a child is eligible. CDSAs use various methods and procedures to make this decision. Examples include standardized measures of child health and development; interviews and discussions with families; and observations of the child in home or play settings. The CDSA will work to link families with appropriate local resources if a child is found ineligible.
Referrals- The following can refer children to the CDSA Infant-Toddler Program (ITP):
- parents
- hospitals
- physicians and other health care providers
- child care programs
- public health facilities and other social service agencies
- other public or private agency receiving public funds.
- child's name
- date of birth
- address
- telephone number
- parent's name
- the reason for the concern.
For Children age 3-5 years contact Alamance-Burlington School System Exceptional Children Division
336-570-6188 Ext: 20501 or 20502. Main office number 336-438-4000 Ext: 20079
Provides services for children from 3-5 years who have identified special needs and meet state guidelines. Services include: screenings, evaluations, speech and other therapies "The goal of the Alamance-Burlington Schools Exceptional Children's Division is to educate children with exceptionalities and foster their independence, enabling them to become contributing and productive citizens. Our Division provides specially designed instruction to children with a broad spectrum of abilities and disabilities, striving to promote their cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and vocational development."
For issues pertaining to parents or family conditions contact Case Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC)
Child Care Providers: Health Insurance InitiativeMore Health Insurance options are available, thanks to the Affordable Care Act .
The Health Insurance Marketplace is open! Visit: today! To learn more about what it means for children, families, and Early Childhood Programs, visit here. |
CRC Law effective Jan 1, 2013NC DCDEE announces New Criminal Record Check (CRC) Law Requirements for Child Care Providers go into effect Jan 1, 2013.
Highlights of the new CRC law include:
Additional Provider Resources

For current info on Early Educator Certification (EEC) see: EEC Info here
To see a provider’s public license information, subsidy, sanitation rating and compliance history at the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education, visit:
Visit the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) website for current resources:
To see a provider’s public license information, subsidy, sanitation rating and compliance history at the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education, visit:
Visit the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) website for current resources: